Thursday, September 22, 2011

Facebook Stupidity

Today's complaint- Vague status updates.

Look, man, you want to tell us what's going on in your life? Cool, I'm a good listener-er, reader, I suppose. You tell me what's going on and I'll try to make you smile with a funny comment. But, let me tell you, those vague status updates like "What a horrible day" or "Can life get any better?" are obvious signs that you are an attention hog.

Those statuses are specifically designed to make people ask you about yourself. It's like sighing dramitically in a room full of people trying to ignore you! One of them is going to break down and ask you what's up. You want people to know what's going on? Tell 'em, straight up. Don't make me go out of my way to find out.

This has been another Facebook Stupidity.

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